Basic B.Sc. in Nursing
Course Duration: 04 Years
Student Registration: A student has to be registered after admission as per BN&MC and University rules and regulation.
Eligibility criteria for admission: The applicant who meet the following criteria will be eligible to enter into the B.Sc. in Nursing program.
- The applicants have to be passed both SSC and HSC examinations in Science group with Biology.
- The applicants must have cumulative GPA (both SSC & HSC) total 6.00 but not less than GPA 2.5 in either SSC or HSC examination.
- The candidates should apply within 03 (Three) years of passing HSC or equivalent Examination and within 05 (five) years of passing SSC or equivalent examination.
- Medical (Physical and Mental) fitness will be essential before admission.
- Student should be unmarried.
- Age limit: up to 22 years.
The admission test will be conducted as per Act of BNMC according to admission policy & formulated by the concerned authority.
Total Courses and Credits:
1. There are total 15 (General Course-2, Foundation Course-1, Professional Courses-12) courses in the 04 years B.Sc. in Nursing, which is divided into 04 years.
2. After completion of the program, every student has to perform 06(six) months internship.
Code & name of the different courses with hours & marks
1. General Course = 2
2. Foundation Course = 1
3. Professional Courses = 12
Total = 15
Code | Name | No. of Hours | Marks | |
General (1) | ||||
T/L/P | W + (0+P) | Total | ||
B111 | Communicative English and Information & Communication Technology
Paper I & II |
108/88/0 | 140+60 | 200 |
B 112 | Behavioral science | 112/0/48 | 100+50 | 150 |
Foundation (2) | ||||
B 123 | Anatomy & physiology Paper I & II | 192/72/0 | 200+100 | 300 |
Professional courses (3) | ||||
B 134 | Fundamentals of Nursing —1 Paper I & II |
272/200/240 | 200+150 | 350 |
B 231 | Fundamentals of Nursing —2 Paper I & II |
180/32/96 | 200+100 | 300 |
B 232 | Pediatric Nursing | 96/16/144 | 100+100 | 200 |
B 233 | Medical & Surgical Nursing-1 Paper I & II |
156/36/480 | 170+130 | 300 |
B 234 | Orthopedic Nursing | 72/24/144 | 100+100 | 200 |
B 331 | Medical & Surgical Nursing- 2 Paper I & II | 176/0/384 | 200+100 | 300 |
B 332 | Community Health Nursing | 132/0/240 | 100+100 | 200 |
B 333 | Psychiatric Nursing | 80/0/192 | 100+100 | 200 |
B 334 | Emergency & Critical Care Nursing | 80/36/192 | 100+100 | 200 |
B 431 | Midwifery
Paper I & II |
208/72/736 | 200+200 | 400 |
B 432 | Nursing Education & Management
Paper I & II |
144/0/192 | 170+130 | 300 |
B 433 | Research in Nursing | 80/0/80 | 100+100 | 200 |
Total | 2088/576/3168 Grand total=5832 | 2040+1660 | 3800 |